Wheeling Studies
In determining an appropriate wheeling rate, EES Consulting considers several alternatives. Often the wires rate is required to cover not just local transmission but distribution facilities as well. In developing wheeling rates, the major focus should be on developing rates that are cost based and, at the same time, simple in approach and administration. Some of EES Consulting’s experiences in this area are listed below:
- Presented expert testimony on wholesale wheeling rates in the generic transmission proceedings in the states of Washington, Texas, California, Colorado, Indiana, Montana, Idaho, Alaska and Arizona.
- Presented expert testimony in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and the Northwest Territories on proper wholesale transmission wheeling tariffs in the province’s generic transmission rate design hearings.
- Presented expert testimony before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in conjunction with setting proper wholesale wheeling rates in conjunction with FERC’s Order 500 dealing with generic transmission wheeling rate design.
- Assisted numerous public agency customers in developing fair and equitable wheeling rates in conjunction with open retail access proposals.
- Assisted numerous public agencies and investor-owned utilities in determining the engineering feasibility of various transmission options and providing technical support in the actual construction of the best transmission options for the utility.
Big Flat Electric Cooperative
EES Consulting assisted Big Flat Electric Cooperative with the development of a wholesale and transmission service rate to a pumping station owned by TransCanada. TransCanada Pipeline is constructing a major pipeline from Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico, which will pass though Big Flat’s service territory. This rate was developed on the basis that TransCanada would need to pay for the capital cost of any transmission facilities used and any overhead costs associated with these facilities.
Enmax Energy Corporation
EES Consulting provided Enmax Energy Corporation (Enmax) regulatory assistance related to the development of a Gas Distribution Wheeling Rate for the Bonnybrook Energy Centre (BEC). BEC is a 165 MW natural gas combined cycle generating resource. The current ATCO rate schedule did not fit this new use and ATCO therefore provided a special service agreement to Enmax for interruptible service. This service agreement is subject to approval by the Alberta Utilities Commission. Enmax staff commissioned EES Consulting to review the terms of the proposed service agreement, provide expert advice on cost of service and rate design matters and support staff in filings the Alberta Utilities Commission.