Conservation Potential Assessments
On national, regional, and local levels conservation, or energy efficiency, is viewed as a reliable, low risk, and high return energy resource. A conservation potential assessment (CPA) will help your utility determine where the most cost-effective energy efficiency lies and where to target program efforts. EES Consulting has developed conservation potential models to assist in defining where potential exists for utilities’ unique service territories. For utilities in the Northwest US, EES Consulting is experienced with the unique methodologies developed by Northwest Power and Conservation Council.
The results of a CPA are often used in conjunction with Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) to help optimize a utility’s electric supply resources. A conservation supply curve provides resource planners with the amount of energy efficiency available at different levelized costs. These energy efficiency measures can then be compared with supply-side resources.
Snohomish County PUD
EES Consulting has worked closely with Snohomish County PUD staff to develop several conservation potential assessments in recent years. The Snohomish PUD CPA approach included multi-faceted scenarios ranging from bleak economic outlook to one with a very strong and growing economy. The methodology was strongly aligned with the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s (NWPCC) planning methods, as required by the Washington State Energy Independence Act.
Clark Public Utilities
Clark Public Utilities (CPU) turned to EES Consulting for assistance in establishing their conservation targets. In doing so, a conservation potential assessment (CPA) was conducted and reviewed with CPU staff and management. A variety of scenarios with different avoided costs were developed and analyzed. The results of the CPA were used in CPU’s integrated resource plan.
PNGC Power
EES Consulting developed CPA’s for each of PNGC Power’s 14 public utility members, as well as a roll-up assessment for all of PNGC Power members. This approach accounted for the specific service territories, goals, and requirements of each individual member. Each utility could take the results and develop their own plans to fit specific goals and budgets while the cooperative could use the aggregate results in its resource planning efforts.
EES Consulting has worked closely with FortisBC staff to develop a comprehensive CPA consistent with BCUC regulations. The model baseline was established through and end-use forecast for each customer class (segment). Measure data was developed and included a wide mix of measures from around North America including: BC Hydro, NW Council, and California’s DEER. The methodology accounted for local and national codes and standards, and included behavior measure potential estimates.
Chelan County PUD
Chelan PUD is also required to meet the stipulations of Washington’s Energy Independence Act, which requires utilities with over 25,000 members to do all cost-effective conservation. EES Consulting utilized the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s methodology in developing a CPA for Chelan PUD. The results of the CPA enabled Chelan PUD to establish conservation targets, and to refine and adjust their program offerings. The results of the study were used in the PUD’s integrated resource plan.